Friday, August 12, 2011

Pretty Floral Clipboards

I have an annoying tendency to allow to-do lists to pile up all over my desk. This tendency nags on my other tendency to be a little on the organized obsessive compulsive side. I have an over active mind and as most Moms know it's easy to forget what is going on from one moment to the next with children to chase after. scribbles of project ideas, errands to run and phone calls to make lays scattered across the surface of my computer desk. I just couldn't take it any longer!!

I created these custom clipboards to hang on the side of my craft pantry which happens to be right next to my over cluttered work surface. A home for my lists and post-it notes!! Hooray!! Pretty aren't they?? These lovelies were created by spray painting the metal clip white and decoupaging with floral scrapbooking paper. I sanded down all the edges with an emery board to get rid of any access paper and glue and create a smooth even appearance. less pile of disorganized mayhem.

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