Friday, December 12, 2008

Festive Jube Jube Ball

A super sweet holiday craft to enjoy with your little ones this season.

1 medium sized styrofoam ball
2-3 bags of jube jubes
Colorful ribbon
White Glue
A picture hanging loop/hook

Secure jube jubes to styrofoam ball using toothpicks starting at the top and working your way down, be sure to leave a space at the very top of the ball to insert the hook and ribbon for hanging. Once all jube jubes are attached screw the picture loop/hook into the top of the ball and secure the edges with a strong white glue (hot glue melts the styrofoam and crazy glue has the same effect). Allow to dry for several hours. Once the hook is firmly in place tie on a bow with your ribbon of choice through the hook and add a second loop of ribbon for hanging.


  1. I came here through Kelly and when I saw this I wanted to comment! Thank you! My mom used to make these and I had forgotten about them. I need to try to make them with my family.

  2. They are so much fun aren't they?? I had several of my girlfriends make some up after seeing this..the hard part is not eating the jube jubes before you get them all on
