Monday, March 28, 2011

Jewelry Box Makeover

I have serious attachment issues to this jewelry happens be to the first and only jewelery box I have ever owned. This thing has been with me from the time I toddled and wore my grandmothers costume jewelery, to tween years sporting the ever trendy pacifier necklace, to those awkward teen years, to getting my own first place where I began stowing away antique pearls and actual diamonds. Unfortunately the reasons I love this piece so much are the same reasons it looks like something left neglected on a curbside. Something had to be done!!! is the BEFORE. How do you like the neon orange felt?? Hot right??

And the glorious, almost too good to be true AFTER. Beautiful bright white with a slightly distressed finish, bubble gum pink handles and pink cupcake lined drawers. I'm soooo SMITTEN!!

Here's how I did it!!

What You'll Need
  • A screwdriver
  • Sandpaper
  • Spraypaint (I scored mine for $5 at Walmart)
  • Scissors
  • Pretty patterned paper or cardstock
  • Modpodge
  • Foam paintbrush


1. Remove all of the hardware with a screwdriver. Tuck away in a safe place. Remove the drawers. Carefully remove all the liner and put aside (these will be a template later).

2. Lightly sand down all wood surfaces. Be sure to remove any stickers or gunky stuff that has accumulated over time.

3. Fill any holes or deep scratches with wood filler and sand down until nice and smooth.

4. Using your fave choice of spraypaint lightly spray down all wood surfaces. Repeat this process once dried. Repeat again. And again. Keep this up until a smooth consistent color is achieved. Light coats are recommended to decrease you chances of drips and streaks - not pretty. Always wear a mask when using spray paint and be sure to do this in an area with plenty of ventilation. Spraypaint fumes can be BRUTAL. If you please you can spray the drawer pulls a pretty color as well...they require much less coats.

5. Use the previously removed liner as a template for new pieces cut out of a pretty patterned paper or cardstock. I loved this pattern from DCWV Sweet Stack.

6. Apply a generous but smooth coat of modpodge to the bottom and sides of each drawer before applying your paper pattern pieces. Smooth down the paper with your fingers or the end of the brush to remove all air bubbles.

7. Once the paper is in snugly and smoothly apply a second coat of modgepodge over top. Allow to dry several hours or overnight. Apply another coat of modpodge if you please for extra durability. If you like the glossy look use glossy modpodge for your top coat.

8. If you like a distressed look like I do use sandpaper to gently rough up the edges of the drawers and jewelery box sides and top. Wipe sanded surfaces down with a damp cloth.

9. Place the drawers back in the jewelery box and reattach all of the handles and hinges.

SO PRETTY!! And functional!! I love the peek of cupcake paper inside the drawers and the brightly colored handles with just a hint of brass showing through.

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