Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Things to try with your family before the end of Summer.

Summer is not over - it's true!! I know for some it is tempting but this Mom is not ready to give up the warm Summer days we have left to celebrate the soon-to-be arrival of Fall quite yet. This magical time only comes around a few months per year so let's put thoughts of fall aside...just for now...and make the most of the time we have left of beautiful, warm, wonderful Summer vacation. Here's a few ways you can create some lasting memories with your family while the sun is still shining.

1. Go star gazing. On a clear, warm night gather your crew together with a large blanket and some snackage and see how many constellations you can spy. Snuggle together and make a wish on a star. Check out this awesome link for free printable sky maps you can tailor for the current month and time of night for optimal viewing opportunities -

2. Go on a Summer scavenger hunt. Create a custom list of Summer sights to spy and go on an outdoor adventure seeking natures treasures with promises of a treat for all in the end. For younger kids try making the list using pictures or drawings to make seeking an easier feat. Some things to look for high and low - a pinecone, 3 different kinds of leaves, a feather, a dandelion, a white flower, a helicopter maple seed, a clover leaf, a smooth rock...use your imagination. Bring beach pails along for collecting goodies. Try a variation of this hunt with older kids by trying a photo scavenger hunt and providing disposable cameras. Get creative with ideas of pics your kids can take of things and happenings around your neighborhood.

3. Open a lemonade stand. One Charming Party shares free printables to give your lemonade stand an extra special touch. Free printables include "Fresh Lemonade" sign, treats and sweets sign, cookie labels and a cute employee rules sign. Try whipping up a batch of our favorite lemonade recipe by juicing 6 lemons and adding to a blender. Next mix 1/2 cup hot water and 1 cup of sugar to make a syrup. Add the syrup along with 5-6 cups of cold water to the blender and blend on high. Guaranteed fabulous lemonade EVERY time. If your blender will not accommodate this much liquid half the recipe and mix your lemonade in batches.

4. Enjoy some fun on the water and rent a paddle boat or canoe for an afternoon with your family. Make sure little ones are wearing life jackets!!

5. Tie-dye some t-shirts. Parents Magazine shares a great step-by-step how-to on this classic Summer activity to enjoy with your children. The tutorial shares several different styles of tie-dying that are sure to leave you feeling groovy.

6. Be a tourist in your own city. Make like an out of towner, take your camera along and take part in activities or festivals that make your hometown unique. Discover your hometown pride by looking into the history of the place you call home and sharing what you learn with your family. You may be surprised by what you uncover. You will never look at your town quite the same way again.

7. Host a backyard movie night. Pottery Barn shares how to create your own backyard movie screen using sheets, poles and rope. Add a projector and you will have the most happening yard in town. Snuggle close in comfy blankets with buttered popcorn and enjoy a movie experience your family will never forget.

8. Make freezer bag ice cream. Your kids will go crazy for shaking up this ice cream in a bag created by 2 Little Hooligans using ingredients commonly found in the average kitchen. The perfect treat for a hot and sticky afternoon.

9. Gather around a bonfire. Have your children gather wood for starting the fire, sticks for roasting marshmallows and help prep bonfire treats to give them a real sense of involvement and pride in the nights festivities. Make sure to keep a bucket of water close-by and educate your children on bonfire safety. Make s'mores, sing songs and tell ghost stories.

10. Spend an entire afternoon at the beach - bring lots of suncreen!! Build monstrous sand castles, make sand angels, fly a kite, have a picnic in the sand, run from the tide, comb the beach for treasures (bring along a small jar to bring your own bit of beach home with you), race rubber ducks, play frisbee, create sea creatures out of driftwood, bury mom or dad in sand, toss a beach ball back and forth....and take LOTS of pictures!!


  1. i love it!!!
    I took june on the bus once, and as we passed things ( that she had seen a million times) i told her what the things were, and different things like, i used to play at that park when i was little, thats going to be your school in the fall, thats where your friends go to school, thats the building yoru great grandma lives in..ect... and she LOVED IT. everythign was so exciting to her. i want to try to scavanger hunt, i think that will be so much fun for them

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