Monday, January 23, 2012

Never Trust Someone Holding Scissors - A Monday Mommy Rant

Before I had kids I used to take better care of myself. What Mom hasn't said that?? Well it's true. I used to go to the salon weekly. Nails done, hair done, everything did. I got my tan on, chatted with my cute, gay Jamaican stylist about Britney's latest hairstyle choice, basked in the fumes from hairspray and acrylic nail filler and just took it all in for hours. But really - I had nothing better to do with my time. I was 21 years old. To tell you the truth I would never want to go back in time and live those days again. But I will take the pre-baby body - thank you very much. Besides being as busy as every other Mom of three, the other reason I barely hit the salon these days is because of the big re-location I made upon conception of my first child. I moved about an hour and a half east away from the city and my favorite salon to a small town where I knew no one and even worse had no refuge to kick back and get my glam on. Enter hair hell. Even worse - hair purgatory. After a small handful of rather terrifying experiences in a salon chair I gave up and decided it was meant that I wear my hair as an homage to the Amish. 5 years + no hair cut = a style that was more Little House on the Prairie than hot mom that's still got it. And damnit - I've still got it!! With new found bravery I sucked it up and booked an appointment at yet another local, untried salon.

THIS is what I asked for. Pretty long side-swept bangs via Ashley Tisdale. I even brought this picture with me. I ADORE her hair. Don't judge me - I am NOT ready for a Mom cut quite yet.

THIS is what I ended up with.

If you do a google image search for "WTF" you will find this rather terrifying image amongst the search results. That's because that is the well deserving title I gave it.

Needless to say I will be keeping bobby pins handy at all times over the next few weeks while this monstrosity grows out. You'll be glad to know though that despite this ridiculous hair cut I do plan to continue to search for "the one" somewhere in this small town. Do you have a recommendation for a rockin hair stylist in the Northumberland area?? If so lemme know. Until then I will continue to be wary of anyone holding scissors.


  1. oh my goodness Lynds!!! I literally gasped when I saw that picture, some people will say "its only hair" but I know how much something like a haircut/style can make you feel good/bad! Good Luck finding a good hairstylist!! <3

  2. Oh yes, I know this situation very well, except where I live, they want to feather the bangs...always with the Farah, Charlie's Angels look. So what I'm sayin' is, I feel ya sista.
