2. Alien Loot Bags - Created with lime green paper gift bags, construction paper, scissors, double sided craft tape and a sharpie. Stuffed with lime green tissue paper, Toy Story themed toys, crayons, rock candy, stickers, etc.
3. Cardboard Star Command Rocket Ship - Created by hand from a large cardboard box which was cut into appropriate sized pieces and painted by hand inside and out. Slits were cut into the side of the box to secure the wings.
4. Jello Cloud Parfaits, check out our recipe here.
5. Happy Birthday Sign and Rocket Ships - Drawn onto bristol board and colored in with yummy Mr. Sketch markers (a childhood favorite!!)
6. Design Your Own Rocket Ship Craft - set up at the kids table.
7. Space Fizz - We made star shaped ice cubes with an added drop of blue food coloring in each shape...add to lemon lime soda and tadda!!
8. Alien Cupcakes - Recipe and how-to from Disney Family.
9. Pizza Planet Sign - Hung beside our food table and created with bristol board.
What We Ate: Pizza to suit our Pizza Planet theme, homemade ravioli with fresh baguette slices, fresh fruit, rock candy (lime and blueberry), alien cupcakes, chips (we learned my daughter is a Doritos FIEND) and of course Buzz Lightyear Cake. We served green milkshakes (made with mint chip ice cream), green kool-aid and blue space fizz drinks for all.
What We Did: Kids had their pictures taken in our cardboard rocket ship (we will use the photos in thank you cards). A create your own rocketship craft was set up at the kids table. Bottles and bottles of bubbles were set up in the backyard for the kids to go wild with. The HIT of the party was something we called "Walking On the Moon". I picked up a jumbo roll of bubble wrap, cut it into long strips and then taped the strips together on the back to create one large piece. This became our moon surface. The kids jumped and crawled and danced all over the surface - even Mommy had a turn. GOOD TIMES!!
Happy 6th Birthday Aiden!!!

1 comment:
Great job - everything looks amazing!!
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